"In these May sessions, we shall explore breath and movement to bring about inner spaciousness, energy, and a joyful presence. If we live vibrantly in our bodies, everyday experiences offer deeper meaning, we see situations more clearly and delight in simply being alive! This series will be a chance to meet ourselves in many different ways and places from the inside-out!" ~ Angela

Series of four or eight 90-minute Zoom classes. Join live or via recordings.

Interview on J. Brown Yoga Talks Podcast

Victor and Angela recently spoke with J Brown from the popular J Brown Yoga Talks podcast. J's enthusiasm for slowing down and gently disrupting rigid models of yoga asana (and the yoga scene, in general) made for a delightful conversation that many of Victor and Angela's students will enjoy. Tune in on your favorite podcast app or right from J Brown's website.

From the show notes:

J Brown Yoga Talks Logo

Being with The Garden of Earthly Delights

Victor is excited to announce a three-part video conversation with with friend and student Blake Tedder about 16th century painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch. Where other commentaries on this incredible painting refer to the stunning detail and premonitory themes, Victor approaches the painting largely through the lens of inner transformation.

Being with The Garden of Earthly Delights

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 to Friday, December 17, 2021

Victor is excited to announce a three-part video conversation with friend and student Blake Tedder about 16th century painting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by Hieronymus Bosch. Where other commentaries on this incredible painting refer to the stunning detail and premonitory themes, Victor approaches the painting largely through the lens of inner transformation.

Inner Explorations with Angela and Victor: A Yoga Podcast

We already have four Yoga Notebooks, so why not A Yoga Podcast? One of our students in North Carolina in the US wrote us with some questions about his yoga practice recently and then began thinking of how others might benefit from hearing the conversation- especially in these difficult times when we are so far apart. So Blake Tedder, with his background in yoga and in radio, reached out to us with the idea to make a podcast where we would talk about our earthy and spacious way of yoga and guiding people into their own body experience.


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