
Dear friends and students...
I have neglected  this Blog for too long but  life has been very  full, wonderful and challenging.  
I hope now to restart and keep up this connection with you all from time to time!
Victor asked me to let you know about next year’s schedule so here goes!   
Our May and June courses this year dwindled in numbers, so we have decided to just offer one course June.  

We are being positively crucified into the world

The practice of yoga is a playful way to experiment and discover your total dependence on the environment..
The air you breath, the water you drink, the warmth of the sun at day and the moon in the coolness of the night.
A human mistake is the wish to become independent by creating a controllable sub-environment, as this confuses the
body’s intelligence to understand the nature of transformation and weakens the immune system.

Nature is the greatest friend we have....

Yoga leading to the architipal layers

There is a lot of noise around religions these days. Does God exist or is it a Goddess who created the universe. Should we be more scientific and look at facts? I do like to draw and paint and my inner world is as important to me as the outer world around me.
So I made this drawing today and things come to me when I look at it.
The world is round, although it appears here to be flat....
It has four directions, four seasons, splitting it into four sections or like the cell division after fertilization, creating a cross.


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