Workshop in Seattle

My grateful thanks for this sweet experience goes to Melissa Middlebrook for getting us all into this wonderful yoga place so that all the animals that inspire our teaching could transform into new beings that supported our internal openings of endless exploration. The udderly happy cowdog !

– Carol P.

I wonder if Victor realizes the fan base he has? If he doesn't, would you please share it with him? I'm sure you heard the same thing i did...over and over...literally everyone i talked with marveled at him and his manner of teaching...the words i heard several times were 'genuine, gentle, authentic, safe, generous and approachable". It was such a beautiful experience for me, not only the teaching but the remarkable group that gathered, that i just want to hold it close and savor it.

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Greater Baltimore Yoga

Indian Summer meditation in Timonium MD.
It is Sunday afternoon and I have closed my yoga course here in this excellent warm weather, while the trees are changing colour by the day. I would like to thank my dear friend Stan Andrzejewski for all the work he took upon himself to get me here and want to thank Jean for all her administrative input ,having it run smoothly.


"Your contribution to me is so great, it will take a lifetime to fully integrate, assimilate it all. My body thanks you. My heart loves and laughs with you."


"Thanks for sharing all this 'good stuff' that gradually makes all the previous meaningless teachings of yoga fade away and be replaced by what makes so much more sense for me and makes me feel wonderful!"

Jonathan, Tri Yoga

"Once in a while exceptional teachers come our way who inspire and open new doors for us. Angela & Victor [now in their 70’s] have been at the cutting edge of yoga for 50 years. Drawing on their wealth of experience and working between the form and the formless they invite us to deepen and explore from the authentic heart of our own practice.
A session with Angela and Victor is not so much Yoga as a Journey of Discovery.


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