Jonathan, Tri Yoga

"Once in a while exceptional teachers come our way who inspire and open new doors for us. Angela & Victor [now in their 70’s] have been at the cutting edge of yoga for 50 years. Drawing on their wealth of experience and working between the form and the formless they invite us to deepen and explore from the authentic heart of our own practice.
A session with Angela and Victor is not so much Yoga as a Journey of Discovery.
Don’t expect commands or instructions, to be corrected or adjusted, to hear Sanskrit names or even to do familiar Yoga postures. There will be no warriors here!
Rather expect invitations to explore your own potential, to deeply explore your body from the inside out.
Their style might be called True Yoga or Natural Yoga. It may even be the Original Yoga. Through connecting to the energy body, that life force essence that animates the physical for the journey from birth to the greatest adventure, you create space and movement getting in touch with the sacred through self-discovery.
Their workshop is accessible to all, no matter what style or level of yoga practiced."

– Jonathan, Tri Yoga